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Insecurities can destroy you

your insecurities can destroy you
Insecurities Can Destroy You

When my mind spirals and goes to a place that I don't want it to go, I know have the ability to talk myself out of my negative thoughts and this level of freedom is truly indescribable.

When it comes to my thoughts about myself before, here is where I was at:

~The constant fear of judgment from other people, and in the most way the fear of judgment from myself (why was I so hard on myself?!)

~Constantly bugging myself about the way I look and thinking thoughts I'm not proud of (I've finally forgiven myself and healed from this)

~Forcing myself to wear clothes that weren't "me" because I held myself to the standard of having the look/body I had when I was a teenager.

~Wearing clothes that were too tight and unflattering because I couldn't accept that I had gained weight and my body had changed.

Because I've taken lots of time to sit with myself, work through my mind drama, and learned to love myself. I'm in a different place now:

~I show up for myself 200% by loving myself and supporting myself unapologetically.

~I know who I am and have my own back always. I don't let anyone make me doubt myself.

~I'm learning not to be such a "yes woman" all the time because I've spent too much time striving for everyone's approval but my own and that's not an option for me anymore.

~I dress in what makes me feel the most beautiful and confident because I know that I deserve to feel beautiful about myself (and you do too!)

If you want this for yourself, then join my 1:1 program. We work on getting you to this place and so much more! The link is in my bio and on my services page to apply.


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